Posts tagged physicality
Tip & Exercise: Tell me about your day

Coming up with new exercises is a challenge for so many improv teachers. (Well, unless you always teach the same. But that is not me) This is why I started this section.

However, over the years I learned: keep it simple.

Your warmup game does not need 17 different rules. You can just play tag.

Your scene work does not need complex setups. Start with an inspiring suggestion (I never get bored of ‘a location’) and just play.

Especially when you teach something new, it actually helps…

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Tip & Exercise: Every student is different

What is great about improv, is that every improviser is different. What is difficult about improv, is…. that every improviser is different. When we are teaching a group of improvisers, we might run into this particular challenge.

We look around the room and we see how our students are different. For instance: some people need to learn to take initiative, others need to learn to give space. There are exercises to train ‘taking initiative’ and there are exercises to train ‘giving space’.

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Tip & Exercise: Are my students liking it?

Whether you are a beginning teacher, or already more advanced, it can be difficult to know: are my students even liking this?

This little voice in our brain is not just annoying: it takes us out of the moment, and into our heads. Exactly where we don’t want to be!

So how do you ‘read the room’? Be it the workshop space or the Zoom room.

The most important tip I have for you is this…

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Tip & Exercise: The real estate agent

It sometimes sounds easier than it actually is: making stuff up on the spot. As teachers we can easily forget how for many our students the ‘just come up with something’ can be a huge task.

I have limitless faith in the ability of my students, but they themselves don’t always feel like that.

I know my hospital drama cast can list 7 names for medicines. But they block at the third.

I am confident my beginner students can find a character voice. But then they stay silent.

It is for those moments that I use…

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Tip & Exercise: You don’t have to know it all

A common misperception amongst improv teachers is that when it comes to the topic of the class we have to be all-knowing. While actually, I don’t believe that.

Can we then come unprepared?* No, but the focus of your class should be on your students learning. And you can definitely do that without being an expert on the topic.

Let’s say you want to teach a class on fairytale characters…

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Tip & Exercise: Do the impossible

When faced with limitations, there are 2 things you can do. One is to think about how to work within these limitations.

Today I want you to consider a second option: going full-on in the direction of what is not possible. Because if improvisers can do one thing really well, it is to pretend a thing that is not there.

So how about next time when as a teacher you are faced with a limitation, lean into it. Play intimate love scenes at 2 meter distance. Set up a silent church scene while there are noisy constructions outside the workshop room. Climb onto each other in an online workshop.

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Tip & Exercise: Using your face

Getting into your head: it is one of the most common challenges in improv. (And for some of us: in life.)

That is why I am always looking for new ways to incorporate more physicality in my improv classes. It makes players worry less, it makes the class less talky and -lordy- it makes all scenes better.

When we are teaching either online or offline with distance, having students use their body is not that obvious. But for this month’s tip I would like to remind you that using our body is not just flapping one’s arms or crawling over a stage.

The point is…

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Tip & Exercise: Getting connected to your body

Teaching during a lockdown is different. The online space is fun but also challenging. Teaching right after a lockdown is also different. Many of us will be asked to teach with more distance between players in order to keep everyone safe.

But how do you make players be more connected to their bodies?

Here is a fun exercise for connection to each other and to our bodies

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