Shows & workshop in Brussels
I sometimes joke that travelling to do improv makes me feel like a total rock star. This weekend in Brussels however, made me feel like I was in a rock band.
We were there with the 5 of us: Jochem, Miriam, Peter and me perform together as Dizzy & the Pit Kittens and often musician Sacha accompanies us. As you can see here, the rock band vibe is also in our logo.

We for sure made the most of our time in Brussels. The lovely Kelly Agathos from the Ghost Sheep is quite the organizer: she set us up for 3 shows and 4 workshops in musical, dynamic shifts, genres and dancing. This all happened in the Warehouse Studio Theater: a diamond shaped, little theater in the suburbs of Brussels.
It was a great weekend full of playing, teaching, talking about impro, meeting a dozen nationalities and even crashing a stranger’s birthday party. Performing in 3 different shows though was a highlight for me.

ith Dizzy & the Pit Kittens we performed our format Whirlpool. This is an improvised longform where we play with absurdism, moving and never leaving the stage. Think of a cat, that doesn’t let its owner have furniture and will intimidate the neighbour by counting. But nobody knows up until what number…
On Sunday we played our new format Octopussy that looks into the lives of 8 different people. Behind the scenes we explored some of the movement theory of Laban and translate that into different types of characters. Really useful when all 8 characters –played by 4 improvisers- meet each other in 1 big finale.

The last show was a Super Scene together with the Ghost Sheep. It was one of their first times performing a longform and we had a great time on stage. They are a playful, bold and talented group of young improvisers: you should keep an eye out for them.
It was also one of the Ghost Sheep, David, who gave us one of the best compliments ever. After Octopussy he told us: “You kicked it into the stratosphere!” That is one for on a t-shirt. Our rock band t-shirt.
Many thanks to Kelly, Joe, Christiaan, Dona, Conrad, David, Poppy, Bart van Loon, ATC Brussels, the workshop participants, audience and my fellow Kitties and Hatmaker.